Chiropractic Services at Blessingways
Your chiropractic team from left to right:
Dr. Leah Robinson
Dr. Melanie Beingessner
Dr. Laurence Dion
When moving becomes difficult, your life is less than what it could be....
and we have a problem with that.
We believe that life should be fun and if physical pain is holding you back,
we can help you feel better.
Our philosophy about what we do
To us, chiropractic care encompasses more than back pain, sore muscles and inflamed joints. The type of chiropractic care that we prefer to provide is what we call whole body chiropractic care.
What is whole body chiropractic care?
Over the years, we've realized that we help our patients get better faster if we treat their areas of chief complaint AND assess their overall body alignment at the same time.
We’ve found that, at times, patients experience pain because of an underlying posture or muscle imbalance and when that is corrected, the pain simply stops being a concern.
Chiropractic adjustments help to improve the movement of your joints and relieve any muscle imbalances that you might have.
Better, yet, chiropractic adjustments enhance the way that your brain communicates with your body - many people who are adjusted experience better digestion, better sleep, increased energy levels and much more.
Additionally, chiropractic strengthens your posture and balance, both of which improve your overall health.
Chiropractic adjustments help to resolve
Physical aches and pains
Chiropractors help to get all joints of the body moving. We can help our patients improve their:
neck pain, midback pain, low back pain, sciatica
painful shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands
painful hips, knees, ankles and feet
Whiplash injuries
Car accidents happen…. we wish they didn’t but they do.
In Alberta, the rules are complicated, but we know what we are doing. We can help to get you feeling better as quickly as possible, and we can help you with your paperwork, as well.
We are able to offer chiropractic and massage therapy services to our MVA patients.
Headaches and jaw pain
Headaches can occur from many reasons. Some headaches are created by the upper neck vertebrae being stuck and tight and pulling neck muscles.
Additionally, jaw pain can result from improper movement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Posture concerns
Many people have forward head posture. We are pulled forward as we work on computers and drive our cars.
As chiropractors, we can help to improve your posture with regular chiropractic adjustments. We help to bring the pelvis into alignment as well as improve the motion of the vertebrae in the midback and neck.
Work related aches and pains
Many of us endure posture imbalances from work and life movements. We sit or move a certain way throughout our work days and over time, we notice many aches and pains, such as:
not walking comfortably
right shoulder issues from mousing on computers
low back pain from constantly sitting or physically demanding jobs
jaw pain
Regular chiropractic adjustments help to keep your body moving as you go through your work day.
Pregnancy aches and pains
We are honoured to treat the pregnant women for Airdrie and our surrounding community
To find out more about what we do, please click here
Birth is difficult and many babies are very uncomfortable afterwards.
They can refuse to sleep on their backs and fuss in their carseat
They might have latch issues learning to breastfeed resulting in a fussy and gassy baby.
They might have torticollis and look in one direction only
They might have a flat back of the head
They might refuse to roll over
They might commando crawl or bum scoot
Chiropractic adjustments for babies are extremely gentle.
We have good results helping babies with all of the above-mentioned conditions.
As children learn to walk and move their bodies, we see a lot of physical complaints:
walking challenges - the child walks unevenly with toes tipped in our out (or one of each!)
posture concerns - a high shoulder, sitting with a curved back with the head pushing foward
growing pains
not sleeping comfortably
retained primitive reflexes - for more information, please click here
Adjustments for children are extremely gentle.
We have good results helping children with all of the above-mentioned conditions
.For teens, we treat a lot of:
posture concerns - forward head posture, high shoulders and hips
sports injuries
back pain from backpacks and sitting postures at school